프로그래머의 3년 프리랜서 소감을 읽으며 처음보지만 많이 쓰는 용어를 정리하려고 남긴다.
아직 다 읽지 못했지만 그때그때 정리해두려고 한다.
블로그 글들은 생각보다 난이도가 높지 않고 구어체로 쓰여진거 같아서 매일 하나씩 읽으며 공부하기 좋다. 내용도 일상 블로그 글들이니 부담스럽지 않다.
My Third Year as a Solo Developer
My goal for the third year was to earn $20k in revenue.
Halfway through the year, it looked like I’d fall short.
fall short
to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment:
my income lags my expenses by two or three months. My profit margins are 30-50% per sale, so the numbers will catch up eventually.
수입이 아직 지출보다 적지만 2~3개월 뒤쳐졌을 뿐이라는 희망적인 말. 이렇게도 영작할 수 있구나 하는 생각이 든다.
Less than four hours after the blog post went live, customers had purchased all nine kits from my inventory, and they kept buying even when it was backordered.
Back order
a request for goods that are not available now but will be available in the future:
TinyPilot ended the year with almost $54k in revenue. My net income is still negative, but it’s because my costs are front-loaded.
to put or have more payments, charges, activities, etc. close to the beginning of a period:
My major change in blogging this year was thinking more strategically about article topics. Before 2020, I wrote with an attitude of, “This topic is on my mind right now, so I’m going to write about it and see what happens.” Sometimes the post would find an audience, but more often, it wouldn’t.
This year, before I began any new article, I asked myself two questions:
- How many readers are interested in this topic?
- Do I have a way of reaching them?
글쓴이의 생각변화가 점점 비지니스적으로 변해가는것도 꽤나 흥미롭게 읽을 점이다. 아마 초보 블로거들이 점점 사업가로서 전문적으로 변해가면서 다들 비슷하게 거치는 방향이리라 생각한다. 나역시도 현재 블로그 글을 올릴때마다 This topic is on my mind right now, so i'm going to write about it and see what happens이기 때문.
그리고 그때문에 블로그는 아직까지 포스팅하지 않은 상태나 마찬가지이긴 하다. 현재로서는 나는 사업을 하지도 않고 단순히 일기나 계획달성 표 작성 대신 블로그를 운영중이기 때문이다.
One of the most important lessons I learned last year was that pursuing the right ideas means rejecting the wrong ones. After six to eight weeks, if a business fails to generate meaningful revenue, I either pivot to focus on different customers or move on to an entirely new project.
취할건 취하고 버릴건 빨리 버려라는 교훈을 얻었다는 것인데 읽으면서 공감하면서도 가장 어려운게 아닐까하는 생각을 했다. 주식을 할때에도 가장 먼저 초보자들이 어려워하는것은 사는 것보다 팔고 넘어가는 일이라 생각한다.
Success is more stressful than failure
I mailed out all nine kits to my customers and then agonized over what would happen next.
What if my customers expected TinyPilot to do something totally different? What if there was some horrible bug that destroyed everyone’s servers?
to spend a lot of time trying to make a decision:
성공해도 고민은 끝나지 않는다. 오히려 그래서 더 고민하게된다. 해당 블로거는 성공했다 싶은 상품 때문에 2일간 거의 잠을 자지 못하고 고민한다. 혹시라도 생길 불상사를 고민하면서 말이다.
Fortunately, initial customers loved their TinyPilots, so I finally exhaled. But every few weeks, something new would pop up and worry me for days. The post office lost a shipment of critical parts. A positive review drove a surge of orders and exhausted my inventory. I messed up a customs form and braced myself for imprisonment in export jail.
exhaust (verb )
to use something completely:
How long will it be before the world's fuel supplies are exhausted?
I'm afraid he's exhausted my patience.
We seem to have exhausted this topic of conversation (= we have nothing new to say about it).
it looked bleak at the beginning, but I far exceeded my goal. Considering my 2019 revenue was only $7.2k, an increase of almost 9x feels like a major accomplishment.
상황이 암울했다는 걸 표현하는 방식이 재미있다.
If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future:
Before I quit my job, I constantly read books and listened to podcasts about startups. The part that intrigued me most was the boundlessness of possibility.
내가 가장 흥미로웠던 것은~이라는 영작에서 intrigued me라고 표현하는것도 좋아보인다. 나는 언제나 I'm interested 라고 표현하므로 좀 더 다양한 표현을 배우는게 좋다.
to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious:
Throughout my career, I was always on some predefined career ladder.
predefined carrer ladder 표현이 재미있다. 역시 어느 나라든 표현방식은 결국 비슷할 수 밖에 없다.
Once again, I feel incredibly fortunate to be working for myself, and I hope to continue doing it forever.
저자는 사업가로서 매우 만족하고 있다. 나역시 궁금하다. working for myself 의 기분을 느껴보고 싶다. 물론 아직은 나도 이 저자처럼 조직에서 성장해야겠지만 가능성을 위해서라도 프로그래밍 공부는 꾸준히 해야 기회도 올것이다.
단어정의는 모두 Cambridge Dictionary 웹사이트를 통해 확인했다.
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