
스피크이지 뉴스레터 기사 관련 공부

PeanutDog 2021. 3. 11. 14:52



How to be angry | Psyche Guides

Anger is a fuel that’s dangerous when out of control. But managed well, it can energise you to identify and confront problems


매주 1번 오는 스피크이지 뉴스레터를 구독중인데 공부 차원에서 해당 뉴스레터에서 소개하는 뉴스기사에 대해 공부하는 게 어떨까 생각했다. 

스피크이지 뉴스레터는 좋은 소재에 대해서 좋은 해석+필사 부분 제시 등으로 공부에 도움을 주기 때문에 한주에 하나씩 기사를 공부하는데 도움이 된다. 혹시 관심이 있다면 해당 링크를 통해 스피크이지 뉴스레터를 구독할 수 있다.



뉴스레터에서 제시하는 기사에대해서는 특정하게 공부하려는 문장과 사전 단어들을 나열할 것이다. 단순히 개인공부용 자료조사이니 참고용으로 좋다. 사전은 전부 Cambridge Dictionary 인터넷 사전 홈페이지에서 찾았다. 예시 문장의 경우 단어 아래 링크를 통해 확인하면 공부에 도움이 될 것이다.



사실 이렇게까지 하는건 지금까지 사전찾기의 중요성을 말하는걸 많이 들었지만 실제로 좋다고 체감한 게 이번 기사를 사전을 보면서 해석하면서부터기 때문이다.

단어를 찾고 잘 이해가 안가던 해석이 잘되기 시작하니 사전찾기를 왜 강요했는지를 알게되었다.

다만, 정말 품이 많이 들고 속도가 느린작업이라 뉴스레터가 오는 매주 1회씩만 이렇게 공부하려고 한다. 본 페이지에는 모든 문장을 넣지는 않고 내가 넣고 싶은 문장만 넣었으니 링크를 통해 전문을 보기를 추천한다.


I don't get angry 




v(Start to be) / to becom or start to be


But what they actually mean is that they don’t get aggressive. Once we talk it through, they realize that they actually get angry pretty often.



adj(angry) / behaving in an angry and violent way toward another person


talk through

phrasal verb with talk verb/

v/ to explain an idea, a plan, etc. to someone so that they understand it.


Anger is an emotion, characterized by an intense feeling of displeasure.



v/ to describe something by stating its main qualities


It ranges from the frustration you might feel when you can’t find your car keys to the intense rage you feel when you or someone you care about is treated terribly.




v(Limit)/ to have an upper and a lower limit in amount, number, etc




n(anger)/ (a period of) extreme of violent anger



They might feel an urge to yell or scream but instead they might pout, cry, ruminate, breathe deeply or embrace some other strategy to express anger in a nonviolent way. 




People often attribute their anger directly to external events




n/ A quality or characteristic that someone or something has.

v/ to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing


I got mad because of the traffic.

 When my boss undermined me, it made me so mad.

In fact, a better explanation is that anger emerges from three interacting factors: a provocation, the persons interpretation of the provocation, and their mood at the time.



v/ to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually:


v/ to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something:



n/ an action or statement that is intended to make someone angry

ex/ he’d fly into a rage at the slightest provocation

fly into a rage: to suddenly become very angry.


Maybe you were cut off in traffic, insulted by a coworker, or had your wifi drop out while you were in the middle of working. Some situations are particularly likely to provoke anger:


Cut off


n/ the act of stopping the supply of something

n/ a fixed point or level at which you stop including people or things

drop out


pp(phrasal verb with drop verb) 구동사

pp/ to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished:


But before you actually get angry, you interpret that provocation. You decide what it means to you, and whether or not you can cope with it. Imagine that youre insulted by a coworker during a meeting. You might interpret that what he said was unfair and unreasonable, and feel yourself starting to get angry. At this point, you decide if you can cope; essentially, you decide how much it matters that he insulted you. 




v/ to decide what the intended meaning of something is



v/ to deal successfully with a difficult situation



n/ an offensive remark or action

v/ to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive


ad/ relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something


At its core, your anger is telling you that theres a problem. One way to productively express it is to use the energy it provides to solve that problem.



n/ the basic and most important part of something



ad/ in a way that produces or results in a large amount of something



v/ to show a feeling, opinion, or fact:


This might include addressing relatively small issues in your life that lead to frequent frustrations:. Or there might be bigger issues: using your anger might also mean asserting yourself by having a meaningful but maybe difficult conversation with someone in your life.



n/ the number of the house, name of the road, and name of the town where a person lives or works, and where letters can be sent:

v/ to speak or write to someone

v/ to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem

assert yourself

v/ to behave in a way that expresses your confidence, importance, or power and earns you respect from others


v/ to say that something is certainly true

v/ to do something to show that you have power


the mild irritation you feel when you frequently misplace your wallet might encourage you to develop a better system to track it; the leaky tap in your kitchen might annoy you into fixing it



n/ the feeling of being angry or annoyed, or something that makes you feel like this

n/ a painful or sore feeling in a part of the body

n/ something that annoys you or makes you angry



v/ to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more likely to happen



v/ to make someone angry

v/ to make someone slightly angry or upset


If you feel ignored at work, or are treated poorly by a family member, your anger might help you stand up for yourself. Being able to communicate your anger to people in productive ways is an important skill. It can be challenging to maintain professionalism and stay on topic when youre angry, but communicating how youre feeling, along with listening to others in those moments, can be another valuable way that your anger can serve you.

Stand up


Phrasal verb with stand verb

Pp/ to be in an upright position on your feet; to get yourself into an upright position on your feet




Adj/ difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination

Adj/ difficult to deal with or achieve, especially in a way that forces you to prove your skill or determination to succeed



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