
2023.01.02 영어원서 읽고 정리

PeanutDog 2023. 1. 2. 16:12

낯설고 유용한 문장들이 늘어나면서 아주 조금 책에 대한 부담이 늘었다. 

ORT를 stage 6까지는 쭉 진도를 나갈까 했는데 이제는 다시 j3그림책을 섞어주는게 환기도 되고 부담도 줄 거 같다.


1.Finger snapper J3


I spell P-a-n-d-a as I open it and shut it.

Then she lifted the flap.

Turn the corners in >종이접기를 설명중이다.

I must hoover the carpet

If you hoover a room or a carpet, you clean it using a vacuum cleaner.

under the flap it said "Help Mum with the jobs and don't complain" ->엄마의 거대 동서남북을 벌리니 flap에서 '불평없이 엄마를 돕기"라고 써있었다.


2. The Bowling Trip J3


Wilf and Wilma's dad took the children bowling. 

It was chip's first go at bowling. 

His ball drifted to the left. Then it fell in the gutter with a thud.

A drift is a movement away from somewhere or something, or a movement toward somewhere or something different.

Next time swing your arm back a bit further.

Chip tried hard to get it all correct. 

The ball shot down the lane at high speed.In sports such as soccer, golf, or tennis, a shot is an act of kicking, hitting, or throwing the ball, especially in an attempt to score a point.


3. The minibeast zoo J3

A dragonfly went zooming by

If you zoom somewhere, you go there very quickly.-> 단순히 소리를 표현한거같긴한데....

slowworm 굼벵이무족도마뱀

lizard 도마뱀아목

A toad, keeping cool under this shrub.

Shrubs are plants that have several woody stems.

A toad's skin is not damp

Something that is damp is slightly wet.

The slow-worm had slithered away.

If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way.

The toad had crept off.

When people or animals creep somewhere, they move quietly and slowly.


4.The Good Luck Stone J3 

In the park Biff spotted a stone with a hole in it.

From now on this is my lucky stone.

Biff kept the stone in her pocket.

She went on the swings. 그네를 탔다는걸 이렇게 표현하는게 좋다.

She did a cartwheel.

She did a handstand. 물구나무 서기.

a movement in which you balance on your hands and put your legs straight up in the air

A stinging nettle. I have been stung

a wild plant with leaves that have pointed edges, are covered in fine hairs and sting (= cause you pain) if you touch them

Sting: sting (somebody/something) (of an insect or plant) to touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain


5.Top of the Mountain J2 

We will pack a picnic

to put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home.

As they set off, Dad pointed at a mountain.

to begin a journey

Quick march

March-to walk somewhere quickly in a determined way

to walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier

It will be much too hard to get right to the top. 사용하기 좋은 문장이다. 

It is a long trek up, but we can do it.

trek; a long, hard walk lasting several days or weeks, especially in the mountains

we will be worn out.

worn out: looking or feeling very tired, especially as a result of hard work or physical exercise

A train to get us to the summit.

the highest point of something, especially the top of a mountain

The train took them to the top.


6.Kid Rocket J3

let's pretend to be Kid Rocket and Fantastic Fred!

Kid Rocket and Fantastic Fred went to their base high up in the city.

what are Kipper and Lee dressed as? 뭘로 분장한거지? 자주 말할수있을듯한 문장

what are Kipper and Lee in the shed for? 창고에서 뭐하는거지? 자주 쓰일법한 문장이다.

Rotten's monster dogs sprang out to help him.

spring; (of a person or an animal) to move suddenly and with one quick movement in a particular direction

They sped down the street, growling and crunching cars in their teeth.

speed : to move along quickly

crunch (on) something to bite something noisily between your teeth when you are eating


7.Willy the champ J3


Willy didn't seem to be any good at anything.

Willy wasn't any good at soccer.

He had a horrible figure. The boys fled.

Flee: to leave a person or place very quickly, especially because you are afraid of possible danger.

ex/She burst into tears and fled.

he threw a vicious punch. Willy ducked.

vicious: violent and cruel

duck:  to move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen


8.I wish I had a pirate suit. J3

He's going to make me walk the plank to feed a crocodile or two.

plank: a long narrow flat piece of wood that is used for making floors, etc.


9.Nine Ducks Nine J3

여우가 오리들을 뒤쫓는 모습을 재미있게 잘 표현했다. 

Nine ducks nine walked out in line.

Mr.Fox came through the woods.

(of news or a message) to arrive by phone, radio, etc. or through an official organization

Mr.Fox came out of the woods.

Six ducks six did balancing tricks.

balance : to put your body or something else into a position where it is steady and does not fall

trick: a clever action that somebody/something performs as a way of entertaining people

Mr.Fox came closer.

Mr.Fox came closer and closer.

Mr.Fox came even closer.

Mr.Fox came right up close and Mr.Fox pounced.

pounce: to move suddenly forwards in order to attack or catch somebody/something

Mr.Fox went home to his den and never chased those ducks again.
